Area Analysis

The Area Analysis allows to understand the key characteristics of an area, identifying the passers-by and the places they come from, the area consumption habits and a full user profile. The top stores, time frames (day & hour) and the identification of the existing competitive environment, as well as successful stores by specific customer profiles can also be obtained through the Area Analysis.

Some of the available indicators are:

Socioeconomic profile

Genre, age, client type (e.g. residents, workers) and user profile by consumption habits

Customer traffic and temporality

Customer affluence, daily / hourly breakdowns and time spent in the area.

Consumption type

By industry / segment or brand and top visited stores.

Visit frequency and conversion ratios

Customer area recurrence and attracted customers vs. total visitors in the area.

The Area Analysis can perform comparative analysis between different area selections and search for areas using specific customer characteristics.

Store Analysis

The Store Analysis offers detailed information about visits to your stores and competitor stores, including comparative information of visits and visitors: client profile, client consumption habits / preferences and information about other stores that are frequently visited by clients.

Some of the available indicators are:

Socioeconomic profile

Genre, age, client type (e.g. residents, workers) and user profile by consumption habits

Customer temporality

Daily and hourly visit breakdowns

Visit frequency

to the selected stores

Client origin

by different geographical levels (e.g. zip code or district)

It is also possible to perform specific analysis of your store against competitors: exclusive and shared users, visit frequency per store, etc.

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